Tuesday, March 5, 2013


I've been on a gradual downhill decline as far as Paleo goes since around the holidays. I would say I've been eating Paleo 70% of the time.  It's time to bring it back up to 90%. The reason to do another 30 day challenge is that it holds me accountable to think about what I'm eating and to get back in the groove that I have lost. Also, with the challenge I'm committed to going to CrossFit at LEAST 4 times a week. Confession #2 I had also been slacking on CrossFit, only going on average 2-3 times a week. Last week I only went once....you can say it....I know...LAZY!!!

Please join me in the challenge and let me know how it is going! Remember its not a diet...its a lifestyle change. Here's a great PDF I found online that United Barbell Inc. put together for more information on the challenge.

30 Day Paleo Challenge

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Banana Waffles.....

nom nom nom... Good news! You can still have waffles!!!!!! You can make 100% Paleo waffles by making it from scratch using Almond flour and Coconut flour but I often use Pamela's Baking & Pancake Mix its gluten and wheat free. Matt often requests Banana Pancakes on the weekend and so this past Sunday I thought I would try Banana Waffles. Here's how you do it...so easy peasy...


Pamela's Baking & Pancake Mix
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Sprinkle of cinnamon

Follow instructions for waffles on Pamela's Mix. I add a teaspoon of vanilla extract and sprinkle some cinnamon to it and mix until combined. Next, the mix is ready for the waffle maker and set waffles aside.

Banana Topping:

2 Banana's
Sprinkle of Cinnamon
2 teaspoon natural honey or Agave Nectar

Slice banana's and put in microwavable bowl. Then, pop it in the microwave for about a minute or until the banana's are warm and mushy. Next mix up the banana, sprinkle in some cinnamon, add honey/agave and mix till all combined. Now your ready to grab a waffle and add banana topping to it and enjoy!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Smoken Mexican Chili with Avocado Cream

I've been trying to be creative in the kitchen and come up with my own recipes. However, I have been forgetful about writing the ingredients and directions down as I go. Which means, no recipe = lame. Yesterday, I decided to do better and make Paleo Chili and actually keep track of what I was doing. It was the perfect night for it because it was a chilly here in Dallas! ;-)  
I apologize before hand for the pictures I took while cooking. It's safe to say that I need to work on my artistic photography skills....they are seriously lacking. Ask Matt, my hubs....he deleted half of them. 
Ok, so here you go!
Smoken Mexican Chili with Avocado Cream 


Chili Meat-Beef
1 Yellow Onion (chopped)
1 Green Bell Pepper (chopped)
1 Red Bell Pepper (chopped)
1 Can of Green Chili's
1 Package of sliced Portobello Mushrooms
2 8oz cans of Fire Roasted Diced Tomatoes 
1 Can Tomato Paste
4 Minced Cloves of Garlic (I heart garlic)


2 TBSP Smoked Paprika 
1 TBSP Garlic Salt
1 TSP All Spice
2 TSP Crushed Red Pepper
2 TBSP Ground Cumin
1 TBSP Chili Powder
1 TSP Red Cayenne Pepper
To Taste: Sea Salt
To Taste: Ground Black Pepper


In a large pot with Olive Oil in it. Heat on Medium. Add your Onion, Bell Peppers, Mushrooms, Garlic and cook until onions are translucent, peppers and mushrooms tender.

Then add Green Chili's, all your spices, and mix together. Once all mixed add your Chili Meat and mix it in and let it brown.

When your meat is brown add the 2 cans of Fire Roasted Diced Tomatoes and 1 can Tomato Paste and mix. 

I told you I LOVE Garlic

Then,  I like to take a taste test and from there you can add more of which ever spice to suit your tastebuds. Let simmer for 15-20 minutes. 

Now for the Avocado Cream:

It's easy peasy.

2  Chopped Avacodoes
1 TBSP Lemmon Juice
1 TBSP Minced Garlic
1 TSP Smoked Paprika
1 TSP Red Pepper Flakes

Put all ingredients in food processor and blend until smooth. Taste and add accordantly again to fit your fancy.

Now, put the Chili in bowl with a dolup or 2 of your Avocado Cream and ENJOY!!!


I uploaded photos this morning and found this little ditty. Matt getting his Caveman on...devouring a turkey leg at the Renaissance Festival the other weekend. Can't get more primal than that. Don't mind the beer. Thats our downfall on the weekends... alcohol. Don't judge.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Mind Over Matter....

I'm a quote person. I am. They give me motivation and I believe this quote to be true because once I changed the way I thought about food and working out the rest followed. Getting healthy is all about changing your lifestyle...its not a diet...diets don't last. For me, working in the health care industry I see really sick elderly people everyday. I would say that 90% (maybe more) of the time their sickness stems   from the food they put into their body and the lifestyle that they live. Foods sole purpose is meant to nourish our body and by food I mean clean food, not the processed stuff. When you read labels, if you cant pronounce the word....it shouldn't go into your body. Once you start thinking of food to simply be nourishment for your body, you will not want to eat the processed. I know we are all human and you will slip some days. I know, I do. That bread pudding whoopie pie from Society Bakery that I ate last Saturday night was De-LISH but I also hadn't eaten anything like that in weeks/months. I ate it and enjoyed it and then went back to eating clean. What I'm saying is don't let the slip affect you, just make the right choices 90% of the time and you will still see results. As, for working out. I'm sorry, it's just something that we have to do in order to keep our bodies strong. As we get older our muscles deteriorate, I see it everyday. Thats why it is so important to keep our muscles and body strong now. Matt and I have been doing CrossFit it has worked great for us. Ladies, don't be scared to lift weights. You won't look like a body builder, promise. If anything, it will make you leaner.
The first step to changing your lifestyle is changing the way you think about food and exercise. Here's....you got it...another quote that I found that I really like.

Todays a new day and a new day means the perfect opportunity to make new healthy choices! :-)

Thursday, October 25, 2012

What is Paleo??

I thought I should first share what Paleo is. I was going to try and explain it in my own words but that would end up being a lot of mumbo jumbo. So, I found this from Robb Wolf....he explains it to a T. What I do know is what is on the YES and NO list. Once you have that down and stock up your kitchen will yummy real food...you'll be on your way! The beauty behind it is that I EAT as much as I want of GOOD food!  NO COUNTING CALORIES!!!! Oh, and bacon is your friend! Crazy, huh? It's pretty legit....too legit to quit! Wow, sorry about that. I digress...

I give you the NO and Yes List:


Processed food
Grains (this includes corn..most people don't realize that...I didn't)
Added Sugar
White Potatoes
Vegetable Oils


Includes eating REAL FOOD. Animal-based Protein, Veggies, Fruits, Natural Fat Sources

Veggies (except whats listed above)
Fruit (in moderation)
Fat Sources: Coconut products, olives and olive oil, and avocado. 
Nuts & Seeds (in moderation)

I would recommend that if you want to try and do this whole Paleo thing that you invest in this cookbook called Well Fed For People Who Like To Eat. Click on the link and it shows you were you can purchase it. It holds your hand while getting started. Tells you the yes's and no's, helps you clean out your kitchen of all those processed Little Debbie's living in there, and tells you what to stock your kitchen back up with. I have cooked just about everything in this book and it is all AMAZE with lots of goodness and flavor! It's not complicated and most the recipes are quick and easy to do during the weekdays. Now,  since following the cookbook I feel like I get the concept. I am now developing my own recipes! It's like Well Fed gave me wings to fly on my own! What's wrong with me today??? Sorry, for being corny.

Hope you all are off to a great day!!


Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Hey guys! I decided to make a separate blog to post Paleo recipes, tips on eating Paleo while dining out, CrossFit, and other (i hope) useful information and motivation. Matt and I have been Paleo since last February and it has changed us both for the better on the inside as well as the outside. I'm so glad that we made this lifestyle change together as a couple and for ourselves. So, I hope you enjoy following us on our journey to eat better and live better!
