Thursday, October 25, 2012

What is Paleo??

I thought I should first share what Paleo is. I was going to try and explain it in my own words but that would end up being a lot of mumbo jumbo. So, I found this from Robb Wolf....he explains it to a T. What I do know is what is on the YES and NO list. Once you have that down and stock up your kitchen will yummy real'll be on your way! The beauty behind it is that I EAT as much as I want of GOOD food!  NO COUNTING CALORIES!!!! Oh, and bacon is your friend! Crazy, huh? It's pretty legit....too legit to quit! Wow, sorry about that. I digress...

I give you the NO and Yes List:


Processed food
Grains (this includes corn..most people don't realize that...I didn't)
Added Sugar
White Potatoes
Vegetable Oils


Includes eating REAL FOOD. Animal-based Protein, Veggies, Fruits, Natural Fat Sources

Veggies (except whats listed above)
Fruit (in moderation)
Fat Sources: Coconut products, olives and olive oil, and avocado. 
Nuts & Seeds (in moderation)

I would recommend that if you want to try and do this whole Paleo thing that you invest in this cookbook called Well Fed For People Who Like To Eat. Click on the link and it shows you were you can purchase it. It holds your hand while getting started. Tells you the yes's and no's, helps you clean out your kitchen of all those processed Little Debbie's living in there, and tells you what to stock your kitchen back up with. I have cooked just about everything in this book and it is all AMAZE with lots of goodness and flavor! It's not complicated and most the recipes are quick and easy to do during the weekdays. Now,  since following the cookbook I feel like I get the concept. I am now developing my own recipes! It's like Well Fed gave me wings to fly on my own! What's wrong with me today??? Sorry, for being corny.

Hope you all are off to a great day!!


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